EnerKor LLP is an emerging UK-based company that developed out of APG Holdings, a successful RE Company. EnerKor engages in the generation, distribution, and trading of clean energy, including onshore and offshore wind power, pumped hydro, solar photovoltaic, and battery storage. Headquartered in London, EnerKor’s client base includes businesses, residential, and municipal electricity providers, and power operators.

The company will focus on renewable energy generation throughout the UK and the EU, which with its institutional partners will own and operate renewable power assets. Its primary focus is on solar power generation, storage, and distribution operations. With a pipeline in excess of 300- Megawatt Capacity in the UK, EnerKor looks to power up over 90,000 UK households within the first 3 years of its trading.

Our Core Values

1. Sustainability
  • As a part of the climate change solution, set out a sustainability framework, underpinned by our core values to ensure we remain climate conscious.
2. Excellence
  • Empowered to decarbonize and electrify energy behavior through innovation and operational excellence.
3. Accountability And Collaboration
  • Team up, down, and across, and be a trustworthy partner. Foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and performance to achieve our business goals and be an employer of choice.

Industry Impacts

Consulting Rate (in percentage)
1. Investment and Wealth Creation
  • Real estate serves as a long-term investment option, allowing individuals and institutions to build wealth through property ownership.
  • Real estate enables homeowners to build equity over time, potentially leading to financial stability and wealth accumulation.
  • Real estate projects often involve the development of essential infrastructure such as roads, utilities, and public spaces.



Analysis Results



Customer Satisfaction